Friday, January 24, 2020 by Arsenio Toledo
If you’ve been hearing all the massive disasters – natural and man-made – happening in the world right now and are feeling concerned for your safety, now is the perfect time to do something about it. An earthquake, a bombing or a hurricane are all equally terrible, but they aren’t insurmountable. Here are 15 things you can do to prepare for these disasters. (h/t to UrbanSurvivalSite.com)
Prepping requires a significant investment, but don’t burn through your savings for supplies and survival gear right away. Stockpiling should be done slowly and steadily. Be patient and buy what you need at a gradual but consistent pace. You may buy emergency food this month and then buy pieces of gear the next. Look out for better deals and sales on the market to lessen your expenses.
You can’t survive for long without water. Start storing a small supply, enough to last you and your family for at least three days. Be sure not to use improper containers for the water, like old milk jugs, to avoid drinking bacteria-infested water.
Canned food may be okay to eat in dire circumstances, but nutrition is still important, most especially during a disaster. Consider a variety of nutritious and naturally preserved vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and meats.
Toilet paper and soap are essential supplies to stockpile. Staying clean is necessary, especially during a disaster, in order to avoid getting sick.
Don’t ignore the needs of your babies, elderly or other people in your family or group with special needs. They may require diapers, wheelchairs or other essential items. Consider these when making your preparations.
If you store all your supplies in one place, such as a basement or cabinet, it could all get wiped out instantly. Consider separating them into smaller caches; store some of your emergency food in your room, keep some food and water in a bug-out bag in your vehicle and store some supplies in your bug-out location.
Having all of the food and water you need to last a disaster can only take you so far. You also need training and hands-on experience on certain survival skills, such as cooking, first aid and making fire. Similarly, having a stockpile of guns won’t amount to much if you don’t know how and when to use them.
A disaster can happen when you’re at work, at church or out shopping. If that happens, make a plan for where you and your family will meet up. If you’re bugging in, make a plan for how to get home from the places you frequent like the office, the grocery store or the gym.
If you have pets, you must include them and their needs into your disaster preps. Be sure to stockpile pet food, water and even a couple of toys or treats.
Evacuating from a disaster will be exhausting. You may need to walk a lot while carrying your supplies, and you will most likely do a lot of manual labor. All this will wear you out quickly if you aren’t physically fit. Start getting into shape right away by eating healthier and exercising regularly.
Nobody can survive on their own. Your entire family should stay together in times of disaster. They don’t have to have the same level of commitment in prepping as you do, but they must learn the basics, such as where the bug-out bags are located and how to get to your bug-out location. If they’re willing to learn more than that, keep them in the loop about your disaster preps.
Keep all the information about your preps within your family or trusted group, unless you want a line of people at your door asking for your help when you only have enough supplies for yourself and your loved ones.
You can’t just draw lines on a map saying that’s your escape route and then call it a day. You must drive that route yourself to check if it’s the best option for when you bug out. Furthermore, you must learn how to use the survival gear you bought. This means going to the gun range to test out your firearms and train your shooting skills, and working on projects at home to practice using your tools.
Preparing for a disaster is a long and complicated process. You won’t get everything done in a day, a week or even a month. Be patient. It will be pointless to try and do everything in a day because you may end up burning yourself out before any emergency actually happens. Remember that small steps will add up at the end of the day.
If you think a disaster will strike right away, you’re liable to make emotionally charged decisions. You’re supposed to prepare precisely so that you don’t make bad decisions. The end of the world probably won’t come tomorrow, so enjoy what you have today.
Start making plans for a disaster today so you won’t be left scrambling for what to do when it ultimately strikes. Learn other disaster prepping tips and tricks at Disaster.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: bug in, bug out, bug out bag, Collapse, disaster, emergency, preparedness, prepping, SHTF, survival, survival skills, Survival Tips