Tuesday, February 02, 2021 by Divina Ramirez
The telecommunications industry and its experts have accused many a scientist who has researched the effects of cell phone radiation on human health of “fear-mongering” over the advent of 5G. But those accusations may soon be put to rest for good, thanks to the latest report of a New Hampshire legislative commission.
Their data showed that radiation from 5G, the new global wireless standard after the 4G network, has negative effects on humans, animals, insects and plants. The report also included 15 recommendations to educate, raise awareness, promote oversight and reduce radiofrequency (RF) radiation.
In 2019, the state of New Hampshire established a legislative commission that would study any environmental and health risks associated with 5G wireless technology. Their latest report took a year to finish and drew from the expertise of 13 members from various scientific disciplines, including one wireless industry expert.
For their report, the commission was tasked with answering eight pointed questions. These included:
During the initial stages of their research, the Commission learned that a discussion on 5G requires examining all things that emit RF radiation because radiation waves interact with each other. Therefore, it is possible that humans and animals will experience the combined effects of radiation waves from 4G and 5G networks.
Ultimately, all members of the Committee but for the wireless industry expert acknowledged the growing body of research that confirms RF radiation emitted by wireless devices has negative effects on human health. The Committee went on to endorse recommendations in the hopes of promoting awareness about those effects.
The Committee also hopes its recommendations would help legislators in drafting policies that seek to address the harm that RF radiation can cause, as well as policies that would reduce that radiation. Read the full recommendations here.
Experts theorize that it won’t be long before 5G replaces the current 4G network. However, it won’t be possible for people to opt out of 5G exposure once the infrastructures needed are installed in their area, explained information technology professional Jon Humphrey in a 2019 interview with Greater Earth Media.
One way people can avoid exposure to RF radiation from 5G networks is by contacting their local legislators or by signing petitions. But in the event that infrastructures needed for 5G services are already in place, these tips may also help:
Go to Radiation.news to learn more about the health risks associated with 5G.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: Tags: 5G technology, badcancer, badhealth, cancer causes, radiation, RF radiation, wireless networks, wireless technology
By Zoey Sky