Wednesday, June 08, 2022 by Zoey Sky
When SHTF, your family will need food, a lot of water and other preparedness items.
Preparedness items are supplies that you may need during a survival scenario, like a long-term power outage. If you stockpile these items before SHTF, you can be better prepared to handle most situations.
Before SHTF, you should already have various essential supplies in your pantry and stockpile. If you’re a prepping beginner, detailed below are 29 basic survival supplies and additional preparedness items that you need to get before disaster strikes. (h/t to FoodStorageMoms.com)
Preparedness is important for everyone, especially if you live in areas that are prone to natural disasters.
Set aside some money to buy supplies for your stockpile and build up your supplies until you have enough for several weeks or months. By preparing now, you can be ready for most natural disasters that might occur in your area.
Here are preparedness items that you should buy before SHTF:
You can use blankets for warmth or to create a makeshift shelter. Blankets are also good for insulation during a power outage and you need to keep small rooms in your home warm.
Your first aid kit should include basic items like antiseptic wipes, bandages and gauze. Don’t forget to include any prescription medications for yourself or your family members.
You should also take the time to enroll in first aid classes so you can use the items in the kit properly.
Your bug-out bag and everyday carry kit should have a flashlight. Prepare flashlights and extra batteries for a power outage kit as well.
Another option is to set up solar flashlights on window sills at your house so they stay charged up for free.
Stock up on non-perishable food items like canned goods and dry pasta so you can feed your family even without electricity during an emergency. Prioritize items with a longer shelf life so you don’t have to worry about items going bad before you can use them up.
Here’s a list of the best food items for an emergency:
Have a map or two of your area on hand. You will need them if you plan to bug out when SHTF or if you need to get home and you’re stranded elsewhere.
You can use a multi-purpose tool for all sorts of things, like opening cans or cutting rope to set up a temporary shelter.
Over-the-counter medications like anti-diarrheal treatments can be a lifesaver in an emergency situation.
If there are women at home, remind them to plan ahead for their feminine monthly needs and stock up on sanitary napkins or tampons.
With a battery-operated or hand-cranked radio, you can stay informed during an emergency.
When SHTF, you’ll need cleaners like bleach and disinfectant wipes to prevent the spread of disease.
Use bleach to sanitize water for short-term use. (Related: Things people need to have before hyperinflation hits.)
Stock up on toiletries like shampoo, soap, toothpaste and toilet paper. You’ll need these items to maintain proper hygiene after disaster strikes.
You need water for drinking, cleaning, cooking and other tasks.
Set aside enough room in your stockpile and fill up large containers. Store them in a cool, dark place. If you treat the water with bleach, you will need to rotate the water every six months or so.
You may also benefit from stocking up on these other useful preparedness items.
If you lose power, you might not be able to cook on your stove. Before SHTF, get an alternative cooking vessel like a camp stove, butane stove or a solar oven.
You will need lots of batteries in different sizes to power small devices like flashlights and radios. Buy extra batteries and store them in a cool, dry place.
If you have a baby at home, they will also need baby wipes, diapers, formula and baby food.
Stock up on books so the adults at home can pass the time during an emergency. You can also stock up on reference books in case you need to find information about survival skills or first aid.
Use candles for light or to provide warmth in an emergency situation. Buy unscented candles so they don’t attract unwanted attention after SHTF.
Be very careful with candles in the house since they can be a fire hazard. Don’t leave them unattended, especially if there are young children at home.
During a power outage, you will need cash since ATM machines won’t work without power. Always have some emergency cash on hand so you can buy more essential supplies.
If you are prepping with elderly family members, stock up on items they need such as prescription glasses, hearing aids or walkers.
If they have prescription medications that they take daily, have those on hand as well.
Stock up on extra clothes and shoes. If you live in a cold climate, make sure to include warm clothing and blankets.
In the event of a fire, a fire extinguisher is a must-have. Check that it is in working order and keep it somewhere easily accessible.
Buy one or more based on the type of fire you want to prepare for. Grease fires in the kitchen are different than a chemical or wood fire. Do some research and prepare accordingly.
It can be hard to entertain everyone in a survival scenario, so stock up on games and activities like playing cards or board games.
If you think you need to bug out when SHTF, make sure your vehicles have a full gas tank and that you have extra gas on hand.
You may need face masks as protection from air pollution or respiratory illnesses. They are also helpful if you need to evacuate an area that is affected by smoke or ashfall.
Matches can be used to start a fire for warmth, to cook or to signal for help. Keep them in a waterproof container to prevent them from getting wet.
If you have pets, stock up on food, water, treats and toys for them. You should also have a leash and collar on hand in case you need to bug out.
You’ll need a fully charged power bank to recharge small electronic devices. Get one that is big enough to charge your phone or tablet several times.
A solar charger is a great alternative if you need a way to keep your devices charged during a power outage. They are also eco-friendly and can be used to charge a power bank.
If you need to get water from questionable water sources, you will need water purification tablets.
They will kill bacteria and viruses so the water is safe to drink. You should also get some water filter units if possible.
Use a loud whistle to signal for help if you are lost or trapped during an emergency.
Stock up on essential supplies like bottled water and canned food so you can feed your family when SHTF.
Watch the video below to know more about cheap, non-food items you can stockpile before SHTF.
This video is from the Survival 101 channel on Brighteon.com.
Prepping essentials: Stock up on supplies now to prepare for looming food crisis.
Prepping 101: How long will bottled water last in your stockpile?
Prepping must-haves: Medical supplies and first aid kits.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: Tags: disaster, emergency supplies, Gear, homesteading, off grid, preparedness, prepper, prepping, SHTF, stockpile, survival, survival gear, tips
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