Wednesday, June 22, 2022 by Zoey Sky
Homesteading is a lifestyle of self-sufficiency. But it can be a struggle sometimes when it comes to cutting expenses, especially if you have growing children. (h/t to HomesteadLady.com)
Follow the five tips below to save money on your homestead.
If you see change on the street, pick it up. It’s not embarrassing, and you can even turn it into a game by telling the kids to try and see who can pick up more change at the end of the month.
Picking up pennies may seem like a waste of time, but if you keep a jar in the kitchen to gather all the pennies, you will eventually have enough to pay part of the bill for a nice dinner for the whole family. (Related: Financial preparedness: Save money by reusing these 10 items.)
Analyze the media coming into your home and find places to cut some expenses:
Cutting some costs like canceling the cable service can help you make better use of your time instead of just watching TV shows and movies all day.
Relaxing is important, but you can relax and entertain yourself by reading books and resting instead of watching TV.
If you or your kids need a wardrobe upgrade, host a clothing swap with friends and neighbors.
Keep boxes of clothes in storage and change out your family’s clothes as the seasons change.
You can also ask people to give you their unwanted cast-offs to save more money.
When you purchase used clothing, look for stores in wealthier neighborhoods. Most of the time, wealthy people don’t wear their clothes for very long and typically purchase more expensive brands.
Expensive clothing is often made with higher quality materials and will last longer, so try looking for wealthy people’s secondhand clothes when shopping.
If you like clothing swaps, start a group in your community for other events like a seed-saving group for your home garden.
Communities often hold regular and free family events.
Even if you’re single or your family is small, these enjoyable, local events can help you save some money as you are entertained for free.
These events may include:
Attending these events can also help you foster close ties with your immediate area and your neighbors. Establishing local relationships can also help open up the possibility of future enrichment in some ways.
Finally, building a good relationship with your community is its own reward.
Giving handmade gifts is a great way to show someone you care about them. As a bonus, it’s also one way to save money.
Making something for your loved ones takes more time and requires more thought, but it can save you money and change how you look at giving gifts and their purpose.
The savings for this tip will depend on what kind of gifts you’re used to giving and how many people are on your list. If you plan to do this by the holidays, plan ahead because it will take more time to make something for your loved ones.
Also, you don’t need to make all gifts by hand. Be realistic about your handmade gift-giving plans.
Money-saving tips for homesteading families are only as good as the effort that you put into executing them.
The best way to save money in daily life is to begin. Try one tip, then keep a record of what works for you and what doesn’t.
Visit Preparedness.news for more articles with tips on how to save money on your homestead.
Watch the video below to learn how to make pizza at home and save money on takeout food.
This video is from the wallytron101 channel on Brighteon.com.
Financial preparedness: 13 Ways to prepare for hyperinflation.
Financial preparedness: How to save money on your off-grid homestead.
Preppers save for a rainy day: Why financial planning is crucial for surviving an economic downturn.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: Tags: expenses, finance, financial preparedness, homesteading, off grid, preparedness, prepper, prepping, prepping tips, survival, Survival Tips
By Zoey Sky
By Zoey Sky
By Zoey Sky
By Zoey Sky
By Zoey Sky