Tuesday, April 11, 2023 by Zoey Sky
Prior to the arrival of European settlers, American Indians had a thriving culture. They lived in harmony with nature and used what they had to make what they needed to survive. (h/t to OffTheGridNews.com)
Learn these nine essential skills from Native Americans if you want to survive when disaster strikes:
Native Americans got everything they needed from nature. They learned how to find flint to start a fire or animal skins to make clothes.
Not all modern preppers can survive in the wilderness with no tools to find food and build a shelter. Before SHTF, you should learn skills that will help you find important survival resources like food and water.
Learn how to live within your means and do not seek to amass wealth for yourself.
Survival was an all-encompassing task for Native Americans.
In the past, a father was responsible for teaching his sons how to survive. There weren’t any schools back then, so they had to teach their children on their own.
If a father was negligent in teaching his son, the son would most likely die without the necessary survival skills.
The average American Indian had to learn various skills. And because they had no trade centers, they had to make everything they needed. If they needed a canoe or weapons, they had to know how to build it on their own.
As a modern prepper, it is your job to teach your children the survival skills they need to deal with various disaster scenarios. (Related: 20 Wilderness survival tips that might save your life after SHTF.)
One of the worst things that White men did to Native Americans was to teach them to be dependent on manufactured goods. While those goods were often superior to what the Indians had, that dependence influenced their downfall.
Native Americans made what they needed. They never bought it or rarely traded for it.
In a culture where everything is handmade from natural materials, Native Americans could survive alone, without the huge infrastructure that modern non-preppers depend on today.
If you want to be independent and survive in a post-SHTF world, learn how to find or create what you need from materials around you.
Native Americans lived in harmony with nature.
They took what they needed from nature, but they did so without destroying the wilderness. They learned the sounds and movements of various animals and could read their signs.
There were many tribes that were friendly to White settlers. For example, the Indians taught the Pilgrims how to plant and cultivate.
Without the knowledge of the Indians and their understanding of nature, the U.S. would have died out before it even got started.
Native Americans knew nature and their unsurpassed knowledge provided the foundation for many learned works authored by scholars who learned from them.
The plants around them were the only medicines known by Native Americans.
While they had medicine men who were experts in using those plants, most Native Americans had some rudimentary knowledge of herbal medicine.
Modern medicine is an evolution of herbal medicine. In the past, doctors gathered herbs and plants that were used to treat various aches and pains.
Many of today’s modern medicines are artificial copies of natural remedies found in nature.
Before SHTF, learn how to use medicinal plants such as:
When Native Indians killed an animal, they tried to find a use for every part.
Everything had its use and the Indians were clever in finding those uses. They used up internal organs from the animals they butchered by turning them into containers to carry water.
The Indians also knew that resources could run out when they least expect it.
When they had food to eat, they ate well. But they also stocked up on food to prepare for the time when they would not have food. Winters were hard, but they survived by preserving food in the summer and fall.
Pioneers also believed in the saying “waste not, want not.” They did not throw anything away.
For example, pioneers turned an old shirt into a rag and a burlap sack into a towel.
The Apache Indians were skilled at guerrilla warfare.
According to stories, Apaches could creep up on a man dozing, hold the reigns of his horse and steal the horse, all while the man is sitting there sleeping.
They were able to do this because they knew how to blend in with their surroundings and move carefully.
The whole idea of camouflage came naturally to Native Americans.
Their skin color and attire were ideal for hiding in the environment. They knew how to move silently without attracting attention.
They also had the patience to move slowly enough so as not to catch your eye.
Blending in will help you avoid unwanted attention. In a survival situation, this could help save your life.
Learn how to look like the environment around you, and learn how to move as part of that environment.
The Indians knew about situational awareness.
They knew when enemies were about to arrive by how birds and squirrels reacted to their presence. They could tell when a storm was coming by observing their surroundings and signs from nature.
Native Americans would see things in the world around them that normal people would not notice.
Before disaster strikes, learn how to live in harmony with nature. Improve your survival skills so you can emulate the Native Americans who survived hard times with nothing but their knowledge and tools.
Visit Preparedness.news for more prepping and survival skills that will help you get through a disaster.
Watch the video below to find out how to make a bow and arrow using natural materials.
This video is from the Truth Matters channel on Brighteon.com.
Survival skills: Side jobs that will help you earn money after SHTF.
Survival skills: Learn how to cook from scratch so you can feed your family when SHTF.
6 Essential skills everyone should learn for when SHTF.
Sources include:
Tagged Under: Tags: bug out, disaster, Native Americans, off grid, preparedness, prepping, prepping skills, prepping tips, SHTF, survival, survival skills, Survival Tips, survivalist, wilderness survival
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