Friday, August 21, 2020 by Divina Ramirez
Something as simple as a 30-minute run in the morning can lead to a number of health benefits, from better mood to stronger bones. Running also appeals to a larger demographic because it doesn’t require equipment nor cost fitness center memberships.
Before going out for a run, dietitians and health specialists often recommend eating a light meal to keep fuel stores full. Much emphasis is often placed on these pre-run meals, but the foods that one eats after a good run are just as important.
However, experts caution against attempting to make up for calories lost after a run. Registered dietitian and sports nutritionist Nancy Clark states that people do not need to be too concerned about refueling after a run, as is often the case.
In fact, people are more likely to overcompensate for lost calories by overeating. It’s like stopping for gas even if the car tank is still full, added Clark. Instead of just replacing lost calories, chef and runner Elyse Kopecky recommends eating foods based on specific running goals.
For instance, some people might be running to lose weight while others run to gain muscles. Different goals require different foods, and knowing which foods to eat and what benefits those foods can give might make it easier to achieve running goals.
In one of his recent articles online, Dakota-based dietitian Gavin Van De Walle shared some of the best post-run foods to eat for three of the most common running goals that people have: weight loss, muscle gains and completion of a long-distance run or marathon.
Exercise has a big role in burning extra weight and keeping it off for good. Running is one of the easiest exercises for this as it can be done with no equipment whatsoever. Here are five of the best foods and dishes to eat after running for weight loss:
Running can also build muscles depending on the intensity and duration of the run. Protein is an important component of muscles, so eating protein-rich foods or a high-protein meal after a quick but intense run should help stimulate faster muscle growth.
Long and intense runs like races and marathons can take a toll on the body due to the sheer amount of nutrients it loses during the run, such as protein, sodium and carbohydrates. The sole purpose of a post-race meal is to replace these lost nutrients, so it’s important to eat rich and filling dishes.
Eating foods based on running goals is a better approach to post-run meals than just replacing lost calories. But regardless of goals, runners need to replace lost fluids, replenish glucose stores and rebuild muscle fiber after each run.Doing so promotes optimal health and allows runners to reap the full benefits of their exercise. (Related: Running outside vs. running on a treadmill: Which exercise is right for you?)
Read more articles about running for weight loss, muscle gains and other fitness goals at Slender.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: alternative medicine, exercise, fitness, food cures, food is medicine, functional food, goodfood, goodhealth, muscle building, natural cures, natural ingredients, natural medicine, nutrients, nutrition, organics, recipes, running, superfoods, weight loss
By Janine Acero